So there was the cousin stuff. Intense.
There was mother-in-law stuff because I left a wiggly-needing-to-poop E with my m-i-l for five hours, and she had a lot to say about everything (and was swiffering when I came in).
Then there was wiggly-E stuff that broke at 4:30pm and then lasted until late tonight (no need to replay the drama here).
We are looking forward to our appointment with a pediatric specialist in June.
And then my brother wanted to come over to do laundry but didn't have enough time to finish it off so -- looking forward into my own next two days -- I said I'd fold it up and drop it off on his doorstep because I WILL BE DAMNED if anyone bothers me tomorrow.
It is rare that I actually buy a parenting book. There are 3 (of the I don't know how many) that have found a permanent place on our shelves after a visit from the library.
Anyway, there is one in particular that I think you would love.
Momfulness - bu Denise Roy. The tag line says "Mothering with Mindfulness, Compassion, and Grace.
It read as Meditation in Motion to me. Great actual (non-denominational)spiritual practices and meditations that one can do while running late for everything, or in the middle of a toddler tantrum.
Seriously. Check it out.
Posted by: TaylorJane | May 29, 2008 at 07:39 AM