It's 10am, and I've just finished putting cabbage, kale, apples, and salt in the Harsch fermenting crock. I'm letting some juices form for a couple of hours, and then I'll put the weights in and seal it up.
That's the crock on the left -- very imposing, yes? I got the 10 L version, and I couldn't quite figure out if that was the right size for me to get. It looks huge from the outside, but there needs to be some headspace for the kraut to ferment. I used three huge heads of cabbage, plus the apples and kale today. I think the crock could hold a maximum of 5 heads of shredded cabbage.
D and E went up to visit relatives in the Puget Sound this weekend. They left yesterday afternoon and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon. I am a lucky duck! So what are my plans?
Last night I watched chick flicks and reorganized my closet.
This morning I did the sauerkraut, and soon I'm going to make chutney with the last of the green tomatoes (my gosh... will I ever be done with them?). I'd also like to make some applesauce, but I may wait until tomorrow to do that so that I can procure a wider variety of apples.
There's a long list of other things to do:
roast some butternut squash and freeze some of it reorganize the linen closet go through the toys and pitch some baby things before E returns take some books to Powell's take a load of Goodwill mow the herbal lawn weed clean the floors upstairs clean the wooden blinds plant the cover crop seeds But let's be realistic... I'll be lucky to make the chutney before I decide to take a nap and watch more bad movies!
oh man....that sounds wonderful....I wish I were there with you....
Posted by: Cynthia | October 18, 2008 at 01:13 PM