This is a batch of salsa I made from the tomatoes, peppers, garlic, and onions we grew. These harvest season projects always cause me to take stock and plan for next year.
I was up until 3am last night making giardiniera to share with customers at the Market. I don't like staying up that late. I'm toast today and am not sure how I'll cook dinner and help homework happen and all.
This year has been a whirlwind at the Market. I'm grateful to be there. My customers are loyal. I feel loyal to them and often create recipes to suit their preferences. I love their response to my sauerkraut and pickles. I'm excited about developing new recipes for next year and getting a better head start on production before the Market begins next May. I just had no idea what the demand would be like this year, and I feel like I've been scrambling to catch up since March, when I was invited to join the Market.
It's a wonder that I've been able to keep up with the laundry here. Everything else is in disarray. The house and garden have never been neglected like this.
Logically, I understand that creating a new business is bound to be consuming. We started the farm in January 2010, and we started the pickling business this year. To have come this far -- a successful year at the Market, loyal customers, and growing so much of the produce needed for the pickles ourselves (despite neglecting the garden) -- is amazing. I will pat myself on the back, and I am eternally grateful for D and E's encouragement, help and patience.
I spent a wonderful twenty minutes in the garden yesterday morning, and it made me realize that I'm not going to be able to continue on with this business unless I'm able to streamline things so that I get time out in the garden. I need it for nourishment and inspiration.
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