It's a sign of my life as a household appliance... ooops... I mean stay-at-home mom... that the big beneft for E's school last night became a bizarre, stressful monster in my life for the last two or three months.
I'm too embarrassed to write it all out in detail, but I signed up to contribute a few creative projects for the event. I was stressed about finishing them. I was stressed about sharing them because important parts of me would be exposed to all. I was stressed about being in a room full of people and was trying to remember how to be friendly. I was stressed about making sure D's mom was comfortable watching E so long and so late. I was weirded out by being kid-free in the afternoon and night for 7 hours.
Over the last month, as I've finished each creative project for the event, I've felt excited and worried. It took so much effort and angst to sit down with myself long enough to complete them. Would people like what I contributed? Would they view me differently? I felt scared.
Now the event is over. What I brought was welcomed. I managed to enjoy myself despite my excruciating shyness.
Now I am free to resume my regular life so I'm drinking tea and trying to climb back into my skin.
This morning we'll go visit my mom for breakfast and then come home and work in the yard all weekend.
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