We have a "book room" now. It's connected to the "theater room" that we've been using in an unfinished state for the last year or so, but D got a bee in his bonnet to finish these two rooms as best we can before another winter sets it.
D built the shelves this last month. They look wonderful. I've ordered a custom-made cushion for the window seat from the Whole 9 Yards, and that should be ready in a week or two. E's children's books fit nicely underneath the window seat.
It's been incredibly satisfying this weekend to arrange books that have been stored three books deep in other shelves or hidden in the basement storage space. D and I have a lot of very old books, and I was able to put some of them out.
Anyone who knows me know how important books are to me. Many of the books I unpacked this weekend are rich with history because I worked with the people who made the books. I found it different to arrange books in a tight space for three people (D, E and me), but I still managed to pull off some shelving jokes. (I create stories and fun by how I shelve books together. Most librarians, booksellers, and antiquarians do this from time to time.)
That sweet little library table has been sitting downstairs in an unfinished room for the last six years. Tomorrow I'm going to find some flowers or a plant to sit on top of it to thank the table for its patience. I found that table for cheap at the corner of 6th Avenue and 15th Street in Brooklyn when I really, really needed it. I'm happy it's surrounded by good energy again.
I also mowed the grass, took E to a great birthday party at a nature center (we walked right underneath a huge barred owl that was calm and focused on a squirrel nearby), and unpacked a new crock of pickles.
Still pretty sad, but I'm trying to focus on the concrete things that make me happy. Pickles, books, creating a happy home.
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